Welcome to the Chemung County Library District

September 2020 Newsletter

Starting Monday, September 14th, the Chemung County Library District will open all branches for full-day, in-house browsing. Patrons will be limited to 30-minute visits. The Bookmobile will return to the road on September 21. Keep an eye out for our updated schedule. Visit our website for more information.

Check out our Online Events Calendar to see a list of library events that you can access from home.

National Library Card Sign-up Month

Library Card Sign-up Month

The Chemung County Library District is joining libraries nationwide in celebrating September as National Library Card Sign-up Month. Stop by your local branch during the month of September and get a library card—then you can stop by every month for the rest of your life to use it!

Starting Tuesday, September 1st, you can complete a Bingo card to get entered into a weekly drawing for a $50 gift card of your choice! Bingo cards can be picked up and turned in at any CCLD library or printed from Facebook and submitted electronically to ccldlibraries@stls.org.

Digital library cards are now available! If you don't already have a library card, you can now apply for a digital card that will let you access over 25,000 downloadable titles (ebooks and audiobooks from Overdrive and digital magazines from RBdigital). https://www.stls.org/digital-library-card/

CCLD Makerspace News

Empire State Maker FaireThe Empire State (virtual) Maker Faire's "Call for Makers" is officially open! Apply to teach a workshop, share a performance, host a panel with your fellow makers, or showcase a project in our online exhibit hall. Apply today (deadline is Sept. 20): https://makerfaire.com/empire-maker-faire-2020/

CCLD Makerspace is open by appointment for one-hour sessions. Learn more and reserve a time using our booking form at ccldmakerspace.youcanbook.me. Sessions are currently limited to one person per appointment.

CCLD Makerspace continues to offer face shields to local healthcare and emergency response workers free of charge. Visit our website for more information: ccldmakerspace.org.

In addition to face shields, and just in time for back-to-school, we are also offering 3D printed ear savers that help to hold elastic mask straps away from your ears. They are available for $0.50 each to cover the cost of the filament and processing, and can be ordered by sending an email to labcentral@stls.org with the quantity you would like to order.

YogaActivities for Kids

Join our new Virtual yoga and meditation program with a mix of stretches, songs, stories, and mindful practices for children ages 3 through 6 every Tuesday at 3:30pm. 

In October the Children's department at Steele is hosting a Spooky Drive-In, with treats and a witchy performance you can enjoy from your car. Registration is required, space is limited!

Join Miss Melissa on the 2nd Monday of each month for a new at-home Science Experiment via Facebook Live!

Click the links for more program details:

Friday, September 4th - Kopernik Observatory presents Rocks Tell a Story

September 29, 6pm - Balloon Sculptures with Magic Tim!

Weekly Events

Mondays at 7pm - PJ Storytime

Mondays - Homeschool Group

Fridays, 10:30am (starts 9/11) - Facebook Live Storytime

Wednesdays, 10:30am (starts 9/16) - Toddler Storytime

Thursdays, 3:30pm (starts 9/17) - Facebook Yoga and Meditations

Activities for Teens

Gift Card

Teens:  Want to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card? 1) Follow us on our Snapchat or Instagram to enter. (Snapchat is "Chemunglibs"; Instagram is @Chemung_County_Libraries.) 2) Next, Snap or DM us with your first and last name, age, and the school you go to. To get an extra entry, get a friend to join, & tell us their username, first and last name, age & school. Or you can email that info to metzgerd@stls.org. Prize drawing will be Oct. 1, 2020.

Click the links for more program details:

All Month (starting 9/4) - Teen Take & Make kits

All Month (starting 9/4) - Teen "De-Stress & Read" Box Rx

September 8 & 22, 5pm - Teen Advisory Group meetings

Wednesday, 6:30pm (9/16-10/7) - Teen Dungeons & Dragons

Follow us on Snapchat and Instagram for regular Live booktalks, craft demos, and more interactive fun for teens.

Activities for Adults

Mug FoodJoin us for Mug Food Mondays (8/24 - 10/26). Every Monday on our Facebook page, we'll post a recipe and tell you how our mug came out. When you try it at home throughout the week, share your photos and thoughts on our post!

Horseheads Library will be offering take-and-make art class kits for adults with instructions from artist Wynn Yarrow. Learn to make decorative clay animals with air-dried clay by following the provided instructions! Call 739-4581 to reserve a kit, available for pick-up on September 9. Supply is limited.

Join us for online Zoom art classes this month with artists Wynn Yarrow and Filomena Jack. Email lewisjm@stls.org to sign up and reserve your art supplies kit. See links below for details.

The following events will take place via Zoom. Click on the link for program details:

September 1, 3pm - Intro to Composting & Garden Prep

September 4, 1pm - Big Flats Book Club

September 8, 6pm - Three Stooges Tuesday

September 9 - Take-and-Make Art Class (Clay Animal Kit)

September 10, 6:30pm - Art Class with Wynn Yarrow

September 14, 21, 28, October 5, 19, 26, 4pm - Tai Chi Series via Zoom

September 15th at 2pm - SCAM FREE! : Become an Empowered Older Adult

September 23, 6:30pm - Art Class with Filomena Jack

September 24, 6pm - HFL Evening Book Club

Enjoy ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, streaming video, online classes, language learning, and more, from the convenience of your home! Check out the library's Featured Services page for a list of digital services that can be accessed remotely with your Chemung County Library District card.

If you need help accessing your account, email our virtual reference desk edesk@stls.org for assistance.

In This Issue

Library Card Sign-up Month

CCLD Makerspace

Activities for...




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