December 2022 Newsletter
Check out our Events Calendar to see a full list of library events!
Holiday Hours & Closings
December 23: Van Etten is closed; other CCLD libraries are open 9am-1pm
December 24-26: CLOSED
December 30: Open 9am-1pm
December 31-January 2: CLOSED
Technology Training at CCLD Libraries
One-on-one basic computer/device instruction is available in the evenings. Let us know what you'd like to learn! Contact Steele Memorial Library (607-733-9175) or Horseheads Free Library (607-739-4581) to schedule an appointment with one of our librarians. Horseheads appointments are available on Mondays at 6:30pm; appointment days and times at Steele will vary by instructor.
Tinker Lab @ Steele
The Tinker Lab's hours will be adjusted for the holiday season. Please refer to our website for a list of affected dates and times.
There's still time to personalize your gifts this year using the laser engraver at CCLD Makerspace.
See examples of gifts that others have made on our Instagram @ccldmakerspace.
Feel free to contact us with any questions about materials for engraving at
Scheduling an appointment to use the laser is recommended.
Virtual Activities
December 1, 6pm - Horseheads Evening Book Club (Zoom)
December 1, 7pm - Question of Sanity: The Untold Story of Female Serial Killers in 19th Century NY (Zoom)
December 13, 6:30pm - Paper Lantern with Wynn Yarrow (Zoom)
December 13, 7pm - Genealogy: DNA research for African Americans (Zoom)
Steele Memorial Library
Activities for Adults

December 1, 1:30pm - Introduction to ancestry library edition (Steele PC Lab)
December 1, 6pm - "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation"
December 3, 9am-4:30pm - CCLD Chess Challenge
December 5 - Spice of the Month Club: Ground Cloves (first come, first serve)
December 9, 2:15pm - "Last Holiday" Friday Afternoon Film
December 12 - Decoupage Tile Coasters Take & Make Craft Kit (first come, first serve)
December 12, 6:30pm - Leather and Ice Wrap Bracelets with Unterwoman
December 13, 6:30pm - Paper Lantern with Wynn Yarrow (Zoom)
December 16, 2pm - "The Woman King" Friday Afternoon Film
December 22, 1-6pm - Red Cross Blood Drive
December 27, 6:30pm - "So bad, it's good!" Movie Night
Activities for Teens
Join us in the Teen Space on Thursday, December 15, 6pm for our Holiday Storytelling Showcase! Our creative writing teen group, Tim Collins (group facilitator), and select adults from the community will perform their stories. The event is free and open to the public! This "Raising Our Voices" project is made possible by funds from the Statewide Community Regrant program, administered by The ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes.
December 1, 8 & 22, 5:15pm - Library night with TC Commons
December 6, 5:30pm - Teen Mock Trials
December 7 & 14, 5:30pm - Teen Creative Writing/Storytelling
December 8, 5:15pm - Teen Improv night
December 8, 22 & 29, 5:30pm - Teen D&D with Deegan
December 10, 2:30pm - Teen Choice Saturday movie: E.T.
December 12, 4pm - Teen Anime Club
December 13, 5pm - Teen Advisory Group meeting
December 13, 5:30pm - Make an Ornament
December 15, 6pm - Teen Holiday Storytelling Showcase
December 20, 5:30pm - Teen Holiday Hangout Party
Weekly December Activities
Mondays, 5:30pm - Teen Dungeons & Dragons
Wednesdays, 6:30pm - Teen Safezone
Activities for Youth

It's December and the holidays are here! You could say that December is one big holiday; this month includes the big ones like Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, and New Year. December also includes many National and World Holidays. Get into the spirit of gift giving with Sun-catcher crafts on Thursday, December 1st and Hot Chocolate Spoons on Tuesday, December 20th.
December 1, 3:30pm - Sun Catchers Crafts
December 20, 3:30pm - Hot Chocolate Spoon Craft
Big Flats Library
Activities for Adults

This month's Adult Take & Make Kit is a Wooden Block Snowman. While supplies last, stop in and grab a kit, or call and reserve your kit to pick up: 607-562-3300.
December 1, 1pm - Big Flats Book Club (in-person or Zoom)
December 13, 6pm - DIY Lighted Wine Bottle Craft (sign up: 607-562-3300)
December 15, 2:30pm - Movie: Born to Be Wild (sign up: 607-562-3300)
Activities for Youth
This month's Kids Take & Make Kit is a Foam Wreath Picture Frame. While supplies last, stop in and grab a kit, or call and reserve your kit to pick up: 607-562-3300.
Also this month, stop by anytime to our Craft Table to make Wood Bead Snow Person Ornaments. While you're here, participate in our December scavenger hunt for Elves! Search the library for hidden pictures. Find them all and earn a token for the prize machine. Kids can also read to earn tokens! Don't forget to pick up your reading log sheet at the Big Flats Library.
December 6, 6pm & December 8, 4pm - Kids Maker Club: Holidays Crafts! (sign up: 607-562-3300)
Wednesdays, 10:30am - Storytime with Miss Melanie (Last storytime for this year is December 14).
Thursdays, 3:30pm - Kids & Teen LEGO Club. Join the fun and build your own spectacular LEGO creation!
Our book club meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at Chapel Park in Southport at 4pm. We will continue to offer Zoom options for anyone unable to join us, or if there is inclement weather. This month, we will discuss "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult on December 13. We will read "The Forgotten Garden" by Kate Morton, to discuss in January.
Horseheads Free Library
Activities for Adults

Stop by the library for our Book Tree Contest, December 1st - 16th, to vote for the best Book Folded Tree. These crafts were made at the November class and now it's time to show them off! Vote for the best-dressed tree; the tree with the most votes will win a $20 gift card (winner's choice). Gentle Chair Fitness with Ultimate Fit Chick, Jessica Janowsky, is back this month! Bring your own yoga mat, if you have one. Also this month, join us for a movie, make beaded butterflies, and paint garden stones (click links below, for details).
Call 607-739-4581 or email to register for programs:
December 6, 13, 20, 27, 4:30pm - Gentle Chair Fitness
December 10, 1pm - Beaded Butterflies with Wynn Yarrow
December 14, 1pm - Garden Stone Painting Relaxation Hour
December 21, 6pm - Movie Night: Muppet Treasure Island
Activities for Youth

There are so many things to do this month at the Horseheads Free Library! Stop by on Tuesday, December 27, 5-7:30pm for Family Game Night. Games will be available for patrons to use. This is a drop-in event so you can come and go as you please. This month's take n make is a Grinch gingerbread man craft. The kits will be available all month long. This month's book club will explore works by Jan Brett. BINGO is back again this month. There will be prizes for the winners. Bright Star Theatre will be performing Holidays Around the World. Come and learn about how other cultures celebrate the season.
Thursdays, 10:30am - Family Storytime
December 13, 6pm - BINGO (for ages 12 and under)
December 20, 6pm - Holidays Around the World with Bright Star Theatre
December 21, 3:30pm - Children's Book Club
December 27, 5pm - 7:30pm - Family Game Night
Van Etten Library
Activities for Adults

Friday, December 14, 3:30pm - Cookie Exchange! Tis the season for sharing! Bring in some cookies to share and Tupperware to receive! *Cookies must be packaged ahead of time **Any cookies with nuts or dairy must be labeled**
Activities for Youth
ALL MONTH LONG, 3-4:30pm - TP Roll Tree Craft every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Friday, December 9, 3:30pm - Pajama Movie Party! - Wear your PJs, bring your favorite stuffed animal or pillow, and enjoy some hot chocolate and popcorn as we watch, "A Muppet Christmas Carol."
West Elmira Library
Activities for Adults
Monday, December 12, 6pm - Origami Christmas
Monday, December 19, 5pm-8pm - Holiday Gift Wrapping
Second & Fourth Wednesdays, 3:30pm - Knit and Crochet Club
Activities for Youth
Monthly Scavenger Hunt - Snowflakes - Find all of the snowflakes hidden around the library to win a prize!
Wednesday, December 21, 3:30pm - Christmas Craft
Wednesdays,10:30am - Homeschool Group (No group on 12/28)
Thursdays,10:30am - Family Storytime (Ends 12/15)
First & Third Tuesdays, 3:30pm - Creative Coloring Club
Third Thursdays, 3pm - Tween Maker Hour
Fourth Wednesdays, 4pm - LEGO Club
Library Services at Home
Enjoy ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, streaming video, online classes, language learning, and more, from the convenience of your home! Check out the library's Featured Services page for a list of digital services that can be accessed remotely with your Chemung County Library District card.
Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspots are available to check out from Steele Memorial Library and West Elmira Library for those in need of internet access. Call (607)733-9175 (Steele) or (607)733-0541 (West) to reserve a hotspot. *You need to be in an area with T-Mobile cell phone reception, in order for the hotspot to work.*
If you need help accessing your account, email our virtual reference desk for assistance. |