October 2016 Newsletter
Closings - On October 10th, Steele Memorial Library will be OPEN from 10am - 6pm; all other CCLD libraries will be closed.
B&N Bookfair to Benefit CCLD

CCLD is very excited to be hosting a Barnes & Noble Bookfair on Saturday, October 15 at the Consumer Square store. The event will run from 11:00am-4:00pm. Special vouchers must be presented at the time of purchase. They will be distributed at all CCLD libraries during the week of October 10. They will also be available at the store on the day of the bookfair and can be downloaded from our website.
If you cannot make it to the bookfair, you will still have an opportunity to support us by shopping online at bn.com/bookfairs. The District will benefit from online sales for the entire week following the bookfair. From October 15-22, 2016, purchases can be credited to us if you enter voucher number #11967122 upon checkout. The District may be able to earn up to 25% back on purchases made during the bookfair. Funds will be used to help the library materials budget. Members of the staff will be on hand to share information about library services and provide activities for children and teens. For a list of activities, visit the CCLD's event calendar at http://ccld.lib.ny.us/calendar.htm. We hope to see you there!
Technology Training at CCLD Libraries

All classes are free and registration is required. To register for Steele classes call 733-9175; for Horseheads classes call 739-4581; for Van Etten classes call 589-4755 x3. All Steele classes take place in the Technology Training Lab.
Click the links for descriptions (signup required):
October 3, 1pm - Freegal & Zinio (Steele)
October 8, 1pm - Hour of Code (Steele)
October 11, 1pm - Facebook for Beginners (Steele)
October 12, 6pm - Intro to 3D Printing (Steele)
October 13, 6pm - Hour of Code (Steele)
October 20, 6pm - Intro to Audio Editing (Steele)
October 24, 1pm - Basic Computer (Steele)
October 24, 6pm - Video Game Design (Steele)
October 25, 1pm - Tablet Talk (Steele)
October 25, 2pm - Tablet Talk (Horseheads)
October 25, 6pm - Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Elements (Steele)
Tech Tutoring
Steele - Mondays, by appointment, limited to 2 students per session.
Horseheads - Tuesdays, 7:00-7:45pm - Informal Q&A sessions, limited to 2 students per session.
Makerspace Certification Classes
To schedule a training session for one of our certification classes (see below), please call 607-733-6809 during the Tinker Lab's open hours, or E-mail us at: labcentral@stls.org.
Digital Media Lab Certification at Steele
Become certified to use the Digital Media Lab - Learn how to record a video, edit the video and use a green screen to add background effects. You must have a parent present if you are under 16. Once you have completed the certification class, you can use the Digital Media Lab at Steele independently.
3D Printer Certification at Steele
Become certified in the use of the 3D printers at the Steele Memorial Library MakerSpace. Learn how to change filament in the printers, navigate the display menus, and utilize the slicer software for optimizing your 3D prints. Completion of the certification process will allow you to use the 3D printers independently. Anyone under the age of 16 will be supervised in the use of the 3D printer.
Tinker Lab @ Steele
Stop by the Tinker Lab to take a class or use the lab equipment independently anytime the lab is open.
Autumn Tinker Lab Hours
Monday - Thursday: 3:30pm - 7:30pm
Friday: 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 2:00pm
*Check the technology training section above for information about 3D printing classes, independent 3D printer use certification, as well as Digital Media Lab certification.
*New Digital Media Lab Equipment
We have just installed a VHS to DVD converter and a film and slide to digital converter in the Digital Media Lab.
*Weekly crafts are starting!
Each week the Tinker Lab will be offering a new craft for patrons to stop in and make. During October the theme will be Halloween. Materials and instructions will be set out on the tables for anyone interested.

3D Print of the Month: Glow in the Dark Ghosts
One free per patron, $0.25 for each additional print
Tinker Lab Classes
Click the links for descriptions (registration required):
October 5, 6:00PM - 7:00PM - Cricut Craft
October 6, 6:30PM - 8:30PM - Introduction to Sewing
Steele Memorial
Adult Events @ Steele (teens welcome)
This month's art workshop, taught by artist Wynn Yarrow, is Calligraphy Birds & Beasts and takes place on October 6th at 6:30pm. Special thanks to the Friends of CCLD for funding this workshop.

The Feldenkrais® (Awareness Through Movement) classes will continue on Saturday, October 8th & 15th, 11:30am. Learn how you can improve the health of your feet from certified practitioner Joanie Collin.

For those of you with an interest in the spooky and unusual, be sure to check out "New York Spirits" on October 18th at 6:30pm, presented by international entertainer/educator Cris Johnson. The show will feature the history of ghosts in New York.
Click the links for descriptions (some require signup):
October 4, 6pm - Tabletop Gaming
October 6, 6:30pm - Calligraphy Birds & Beasts (Art)
October 8, 11:30am - Feldenkrais - Foot Health
October 11, 6:30pm - Learn about Soils and Vermiculture
October 12, 6:30pm - Coloring Club
October 14, 2pm - Friday Afternoon Film
October 15, 11:30am - Feldenkrais - Foot Health
October 17, 1pm - Brick Wall Busting (Genealogy)
October 18, 6:30pm - New York Spirits
October 19, 6pm - Fan Infinity (Adult Fandom Club)
October 25, 1pm - Introduction to Genealogy
Weekly Programs
Tuesdays, 7:30-8:30pm - Adult Writing Group
Wednesdays, 9-4pm - Chess Club
Wednesdays, 12:30-2pm - Knit & Crochet Club
Thursdays, 1-3pm - Mahjong Club
Teen Events @ Steele (12-18 yrs)

"Read for the Fun of It" during Teen Read Week (October 9-15). During Teen Read Week, teens that check out books at Steele Library will get a scratch off ticket for prizes such as books or a movie gift card.
Teen Halloween Dance FREE for teens 12-18! Friday Oct. 21 @ 7pm-9pm. Costume contest, prizes, music and food! One of our most popular annual events! Watch for tickets coming to your CCLD library, or sign up on the Facebook events page! Funded by the Friends of CCLD & The Spot Program.
Click the links for descriptions (registration required):
October 5, 12, & 19, 7pm - Art Journaling Workshop
(Funded by the Friends of CCLD)
October 18, 6:30pm - New York Spirits (Teen/Adult program)
October 21, 7-9pm - Teen Halloween Dance
October 24, 6:30-8pm - Teen Writers Group
Weekly Programs
Thursdays, 3:30pm-5pm - Teen/Tween Code club (ages 10 - 18)
Youth Events @ Steele
Maker and Lego Clubs are back for ages 5-12. Makers meet the first Wednesday of every month at 4:00, and Lego creators the second Wednesday at 3:30, both are drop in events, no registration necessary! Spooky Stacks, a free Halloween event for kids sponsored by the Friends of CCLD is back! Trick or treating, costume judging, games, prizes and a spooky walk through, Thurs. October 27 at 6:30 p.m.!
Click the links for descriptions (some require signup):
October 5, 4:00pm - Kid's Maker Club
October 12, 3:30pm - Lego Club
October 13, 3pm - Kids Creation Station, Make and Take a Trick or Treat Bag!
October 27, 6:30pm - Spooky Stacks
Weekly Events
Tuesdays (beginning October 11) at 10:30am - Read, Rhyme and Romp Time, for ages 2 and under
Fridays at 10:30am - Toddler/Preschool Storytime for ages 2 and up
Big Flats
October 11 will be a spooky night at Big Flats as we host Cris Johnson and New York Spirits. Come and hear of the haunted places New York has to offer and maybe see a haunted artifact or two. This program is free and open to teens and adults. This program is not intended for children.
October 25 is the date for the next Ladies (and Gentleman) Night Out. The ornament this month will be made with cardboard from cereal boxes and fabric, it's a must see. Registration is required for this program since space is limited. Call 562-3300
Click the links for descriptions (some require signup):
October 11, 6pm - New York Spirits
October 25, 6pm - Ladies (and Gentleman) Night Out
Wednesdays, 10:30am - Toddler Story Time
Thursdays, 2pm - Homeschool Fun
October 8th, 10-4 we will be at the Elmira Heights Oktoberfest on 14th St. You can also see us at the Horseheads Pumpkin Express (Sullivan Park) October 15th, 12-4. Join us for lots of fun family actives.
Bookmobile Book Discussion Club
Our book club meets the 2nd Friday of the month at the Bulkhead stop in Southport at 1:30pm. For the month of October, we are reading Good as Gone by Amy Gentry; due to the holiday, we will hold the discussion on November 4th.
Our book for November will be Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng.
Click the links below, for full event descriptions:
October 8, 10am-4pm - Oktoberfest
October 15, 12-4pm - Pumpkin Express
November 4 - 1:30pm - Book Club
Does the Bookmobile meet the needs of your community? Let us know; give us a call (738-2476), if you have any questions or to inquire about a stop near you. The Bookmobile supports all of Chemung County.
Adult Events @ Horseheads
In October at Horseheads, we are excited to host Cris Johnson's New York Spirits, a history of ghosts in New York! It's part history, part spook show, and is spine-tingling fun! Also, we are hosting an informative seminar about college planning, and a special Feldenkrais class for breast cancer survivors. Our T'ai Chi classes continue, register for one class or all!
Also, don't forget to sign up for Tablet talk to learn all about your tablet or smartphone! See the Technology Training section at the top of the newsletter for a full list of CCLD technology classes.
Registration is required for all events. Call 739-4581 to register.
Click the links below, for full event descriptions:
October 4, 6:30pm - What's your College Plan? Cracking the Financial Code
October 11/Oct.25/Nov.1/Nov.8, 5:30pm - Gentle Movement lessons for Breast Cancer Survivors (Feldenkrais)
October 13/Oct.20/Oct.27, 9:30am - T'ai Chi Classes
October 19, 6pm - New York Spirits
October 25, 2:00pm - Tablet Talk
Youth Events @ Horseheads
Soccer Themed Rainbow Loom Craft on October 17th. Gabby and the Horseheads Free Library will be crafting soccer themed rubber band bracelets.
Click the links for descriptions (some require signup):
October 12, 3:30 - Kitty Lit (registration required)
October 17, 6:00pm - Soccer Themed Rainbow Loom Craft
Weekly Events
Thursdays, 10:30am - Family Story Time
Van Etten
The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program was created to teach parents about the importance of Early Childhood Literacy through an engaging reading incentive program. Stop by on October 19th at 3pm for registration and an introduction to the program. Sign up, get your folder, a reading list of suggested books, and a reading log sheet.
Join us for registration and introduction to the program. Sign up...get your folder, a reading list of suggested books and a reading log sheet.
Click the links for descriptions (some require signup):
October 19, 3:00 - 1000 BOOKS Before Kindergarten
October 28, 11:30 - Bookclub Meeting
October 28, 3:00 - FRANKENSTEIN Friday
1st & 3rd Fridays, 11:00 - Family Story Time
West Elmira

This month we begin many new and exciting programs! We have 2 new monthly movie nights, LEGO Club (sponsored by the Friends of CCLD), and our Teen Hangout club. We will also start implementing the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program, so make sure to bring your pre-schooler in and sign-up! Come in October 11th-14th and go on a storywalk with David Shannon’s, Duck on a Bike!
Click the links for descriptions (some require signup):
Weekly Events
Wednesdays, 10:30am - Homeschool Group
Thursdays, 10:30am - Storytime
Fridays, 1pm - Bridge Club
Monthly Events
1st Monday of every month, 6:30pm - Family Movie Night
2nd & 3rd Monday of every month, 6pm - Puzzle Club
*Closed October 10th*
3rd Monday of every month, 6:30pm - Miyazaki Movie Night
4th Monday of every month, 6pm - Teen Hangout
Last Monday of every month, 6pm - Adult Coloring
2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month, 4pm - LEGO Club
3rd Wednesday of every month, 3:30pm - Tween Maker Hour
3rd Thursday of every month, 3pm - Adult Book Club
Friends of CCLD Books Sandwiched In
The Friends of CCLD Fall Books Sandwiched In series begins October 7th with Welcome to the Witherill, presented by Sue Howell Hamlin.
On October 14th, Thomas Seward, Sr., presents The Birdman--The Wright Brothers, Glenn Curtiss and the Battle to Control the Skies.
October 28th will be Our Kids, The American Dream in Crisis presented by Joe Caparulo.
November 4th is J.K. Rowling for the Ages presented by Caroline Poppendeck.
All reviews are held Fridays from 12-1pm in the Steele Memorial Library auditorium. If schools are closed due to inclement weather the talk will be rescheduled. Bring your own lunch or purchase a light sandwich lunch for $3.50.
For more information about these and other events, visit the CCLD Events Calendar: http://ccld.lib.ny.us/calendar.htm |